Page 9 - DMA Video Marketing Guide
P. 9

Step #7 - Where to host your videos

            Where many businesses fall short is               type of video you will release.  Not all hosts
            uploading their masterpieces to the               are created equally so getting this right will
            wrong platforms.                                  impact how easy it will be for your audience
                                                              to find your video content.
            If you don’t know the style of video
            you want to create explained in step              The key principle to remember is that Social
            #4 and also the best way your ideal               Media is known as “interruption” marketing,
            audience receives information discussed           while Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
            in step #2, then you may be in for a              are known as “search” intent.  Search intent
            rude awakening when it comes time to              marketing is best if you know your ideal
            distribute the video.                             audience is searching for the solution to a
                                                              particular problem.
            For FREE consultation reach out to us
            HERE so we can help.                              For example, if you have a roof leak, your first
                                                              thought may be to search on Google for the
            There is no such thing as a                       quickest option to repair a leak.  Once you
            “predetermined” strategy to fit all social        type in the keywords, “roof repair leak near
            and search engine platforms, so be sure           me” you will see 3-5 ads popup right at the
            to choose the host according to the               top of the page offering solutions.
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