Page 11 - DMA Video Marketing Guide
P. 11
Step #8
Video link
If you followed the last step and have your to save you a whole lot of time making edits
primary host in mind, now it’s time to grasp to get the video content approved. Another
this concept and create a link building example of why you need to understand the
strategy for your video content. platforms is Facebook and YouTube are quite
An effective link building strategy will different in how you deliver your message
not only get you more viewership, but it’s on those platforms. For instance, if you have
designed to bring most of your views to the a weight loss offer and your message is,
desired destination. “If you’re looking to lose weight be sure to
click and purchase…” You will not be able to
Using Social Media is especially important address your Facebook audience with that
if you want a good distribution of your video type of message word-for-word without
content. If the plan is to distribute your getting your video disapproved, however,
video on multiple social media platforms, you will be able to distribute that very same
that is great, but be sure to read the policies message on YouTube. You can see why
and guidelines for said platform prior to learning the guidelines is important and
creating your video. leveraging the rules to create an effective
Let’s use Instagram as an example of an link building strategy is powerful. If your
effective link building strategy. With only business targets business owners, the same
having a 60-second window to deliver a rules apply. Adapt your messaging to speak
precise message, it isn’t ideal to condense to professionals and provide links or a call-to-
all your information within this timeframe, action from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc
but rather use Instagram to create a trailer to where your audience can consume the full
or sneak peek of your product or service. video content.
Once your audience watches your message Bonus tip: Organic reach is becoming less
and gets excited, provide a link or “Call-to- and less every year. Consider investing a
action” to send them to the chosen platform small sum of money to push your videos
to watch the full detailed video. Again, if you within the first few days after it is released for
plan to distribute your videos on multiple it to have a much better chance of gaining
platforms, MAKE SURE to adapt them momentum and reaching the intended
according to the guidelines of each platform audience.